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Our Math Curriculum for Middle School

 So, last year I started a new curriculum with my oldest. Our previous, free, curriculum just wasn’t going to cut it for the start of our middle school journey.

My oldest is great at math. It is her strongest subject, and the one she excels in the most. I also knew, that with my daughter’s personality, and the way she learns, that she would need a mastery program for math, as she desires to learn the ends and outs of whatever skill she is working on before moving to the next thing. With this knowledge, I was able to eliminate spiral curriculum, like The Good and the Beautiful, with something that really requires students to master what they are learning.

Price was also a determining factor, for at the time we purchased the curriculum, we didn’t have the finances for a really expensive program. Ultimately, I settled with Singapore’s Dimensions Math. I ordered the 6th grade year (teacher manual, lesson guide and workbooks).

When we first received the curriculum, I thought I would hate it. I didn’t like the way that I had three separate books to keep up with. I thought it would be confusing and cumbersome with the way it was set up. I have, however, completely changed my mind.

After the first month, we got into a groove of how the curriculum worked. I loved that the answers were in the teacher’s guide, right next to the student page, and I didn’t have to flip back and forth in the book to check answers if we couldn’t figure something out together.

My daughter has also really excelled with this curriculum. She also loves the format of having example questions, workbook practice, and then the final lesson being review of the entire unit. I also went ahead and ordered the 7th and 8th grade math for her to continue using throughout her middle school years. I’m hoping the next to grade levels works well for us as well.

We are currently only 20 lessons away from finishing the 6th grade math curriculum. My girl is looking forward to a month off in July.


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